Your Reliable Outsourcing Partner
LPK KSB is a joint ventures between Indonesia and Japan Company which well experienced in the field of Manpower Supplier to Japan, Learning Japanese Course and Japanese Education Consultancy
Our Manpower Supplier Program

The Reason Why Must Choose KSB
1. Assignment of Person in Charge in Japan
We will communicate intensely with people from both our host institutions and our partner in Japan, so that the program can run smoothly and meet demands
2. Establishment of Representative Office in Japan
We have set up a representative office for departure agencies to create a system that will make receivers agents and companies feel secure.
3. Strategic Location
It is located on main street that connecting Tangerang with Jakarta, and approximately 40 minutes from Soekarno-Hatta International airport.
4. Abundant Resources
There are many local schools around our area and many young peoples interest to working in Japan.
5. High Quality Education
It consists of experienced and certified instructors, and there is also a review by teachers from Japan to improve the quality of education.
6. Full Support
The support provided by KSB is from the beginning to the end of the program. KSB is not only determined to help apprentices get to Japan. But also support after returning to Indonesia such as Independent Business Guidance or Recommending Job Vacancies.
7. Appointed as Official Manpower Supply to Japan
Not All Outsourcing Partner Has a Legal of Agreement by Labor Ministry of Indonesia. LPK KSB appointed as Official Manpower Supply to Japan by Labor Ministry of Indonesia

Our Student dan Manpower
“KSB selalu sigap dan sangat bertanggung jawab dalam memberi pelayanan kepada siswanya yang ingin study ke Jepang, terimaksih KSB “

Kemal El Fikar
Peserta Study ke Jepang“Dari dulu saya bercita-cita melanjutkan study ke Jepang, terus kerabat merekomendasikan untuk mendaftar ke KSB. Ternyata Responnya cepat dan memang terpercaya”

Pandu Utami
Peserta Study ke Jepang“ Staff-staff di KSB baik dan ramah, Senseinya juga menyenangkan. Membuat saya jadi nyaman dan bersemangat dalam belajar. ”